The Dirty Spoon Radio Hour is a monthly radio show on 103.7 FM WPVM.
Once a month, we bring you stories, music and conversations about the food and beverage that add depth to our lives. We care less about the trends or the buzz of the day, and more about the currents that run through our cultures. Tune in for music, interviews, essays, and stories from the people who craft what we consume.
Listen live, or subscribe through Soundcloud, or iTunes.
Tune In Saturdays at 11am EST
Episode 34 (original air date July 15, 2022)
Episode 33 (original air date January 15, 2022) – season finale with Catherine
Episode 32 (original air date November 6, 2021)
Episode 31 (original air date October 2, 2021)
Episode 30 (original air date September 4, 2021)
Episode 29 (original air date August 7, 2021)
Episode 28 (original air date July 3, 2021)
Episode 27 (original air date June 5, 2021)
Hungry for more? Dive into the archives.
Radio Underwriter: The Market Place Restaurant
Many thanks to our underwriter, The Market Place Restaurant. Established in 1979 in downtown Asheville, North Carolina, The Market Place offers sustainable, innovative dishes crafted from locally-sourced ingredients.
Underwrite the Dirty Spoon Radio Hour
Contact us at: to discuss becoming an underwriter for the show on 103.7 WPVM.
Support us on Patreon
You can also support us on Patreon through a subscription-based donation and receive exclusive access & interviews, updates and custom-illustrated swag.